Anonima Frottolisti, was founded in 2008 in Assisi as a result of the meeting of musicians from international musical and study experiences, collaborators of some of the best known European early music ‘ensembles’.

Anonima deals with the Medieval and Renaissance repertoire, with a focus on the musical productions of Italian and European Humanism.

Anonima Frottolisti has performed in Italy and abroad at some of the most important European early music festivals: Sweden, Bosnia, England, Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, Spain, Germany, etc…. For the record company Tactus, she has published: “MUSICA DISONESTA”- “GLORIOSUS FRANCISCUS”- “DI CORTE IN CORTE”- “ALMA SVEGLIATE ORMAI”- “LA MUSICA NELLE LETTERE D’ISABELLA D’ESTE”. For Brillant, in collaboration with Armoniosoincanto, Dir. Franco Radicchia, he recorded the complete Laudario di Cortona. For the Ritmi production, he recorded the “Passio Sancti Ruphyni”, a medieval Passio dedicated to the patron saint of the city of Assisi.

The ensemble takes care of the artistic direction of the Festival Musica dalla Torre – Marciano della Chiana (Ar) and collaborates with the Accademia d’Arti Antiche Resonars in didactic projects concerning medieval and renaissance music.

In 2020, the ensemble was nominated in the International classical music awards.

The ensemble has collaborated on film productions, television series, international radio and television broadcasts, among them: ‘L’ombra di Carvaggio’, ‘I Borgia’, RaiRadio3, RSI2, Radio HRT, Rai1, the documentaries on Franciscanism – Lauro Production,… .

In 2021 they signed the soundtrack for the film ‘Chiara’ by director Susanna Nicchiarelli, in competition at the 79th Venice Biennale.

Anonima Frottolisti a San Rufino, ad Assisi.
Anonima Frottolisti con i loro strumenti ad Assisi in esterna
Anonima Frottolisti con i loro strumenti a un concerto.